Monday, May 16, 2011

Exhibit 1


  1. Wow! Not to be a dope, but from whence does this pic originate?

  2. I actually don't remember. I tried to track it down so I could say where it came from, but to no avail. I believe it's from one of his stage performances of Dracula. I don't know who the girl is either. It's a great photo though. It really deserves to be a magazine cover. It reminds me of that Warren magazine Screen Thrills Illustrated.

  3. A great start. This is sure to give monstercrazy a run for its money.

  4. I'm not looking to do that, Michael. I love Monster Crazy, but decided why should Pierre have all the fun?

  5. The photo is actually from Mark Of The Vampire (1935)

  6. Thanks for the id, GreGGory. I don't know why that didn't occur to me. The photo reminds me of publicity photos from the 1950s more than the 1930s (despite Lugosi's relative youth). Mark of the Vampire is a movie I've unsuccessfully tried to enjoy my whole life, and while it has tremendous atmosphere, I find my mind drifting after about fifteen minutes.
